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2 Travel Anywhere - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes
The Couple
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Nikki Staszak

Nikki and I met in our high school language arts class in 2005. Following High School, we were college rommates, each others relationship counselor, drinking buddies, travel companions, and best friends! Nikki has always stood by myside, so it only seemed fitting that she would do so on my wedding day. Nikki currently lives in Kansas City where she is the marketing coordinator for US Toys.

Laura Brown

Laura and I met in grad school in North Carolina where we quickly became friends. We bonded over many cocktails, our signiture dance moves (see photo), and our love of ordering way too much sushi (why did they just give us 5 pairs of chop sticks?). Laura is an amazing Speech-Language Pathologist who currently lives in Wilmington, North Carolina with her husband and adorable son! 

Katie Hart

Katie and I met at the gym in North Carolina. I was initially drawn to her Wisconsin accent and love of cheese curds. Katie's crazy stories alway make me laugh (I'm chuckling to myself while typing this) - but I'll leave those juicy details for another day. I believe dogs are an amazing judge of character and Tara (my standard poodle) would rather spend her nights cuddling with Katie than me. Katie currently lives in Swansboro, North Carolina and helps members of the VA receive appropriate benefits.

Jes Ryan

Jes and I also met at the gym in North Carolina. We can often be observed stuffing our faces with too many oysters followed by a nice glass of wine. While we eat these oysters we love to be refered to as "locals" in the small eastern towns of North Carolina. If we aren't eating oysters we are driving recklessly on the highway while singing Taylor Swift at the top of our lungs. Oh yeah, on more thing - watch out for Jes, she is one tough cookie - she is an officer in the US Marines.

Megan Robison

Megan and I have been friends since high school. I remember listening to music on our CD players (those are so ancient now) during free time in history class. We quickly bonded over our mutual interest in Disney Stars (ex: Hilary Duff) and held the same job during our highschool years at Abercrombie and Fitch. Our friendship has continued to grow over the years as we both settled down with men in the military. Megan currently lives in Hawaii where she is the student service coordinator at Chaminade University.

Kait Greenfield

Kait is Rich's sister. We first met in Philadelphia at an Eagles game where she insisted on eating chicken fingers or was it cheese fries? I can't remember now, but she is very food motivated like me! She also enjoys playing board games which I appreciate very much. If you're down for a good game of yamslam, trivial pursuit, or scattergories, she's your girl. Yay for sisters! Kait currently lives in Philadelphia and works for Comcast.

Kev Greenfield
Jon Squire
Dan Manning
Anthony Champi
Brent Samartino